In a high-stakes legal drama that reads like a dystopian saga, Alex Jones, the infamous conspiracy theorist and face behind Infowars, battles to keep his personal social media platforms out of an auction designed to settle more than a billion dollars he owes to Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims' families. With claims that auctioning his accounts would trample on his privacy rights and thwart his efforts to reboot his life post-bankruptcy, Jones mounts a…
In an effort to ease the financial burden of holiday planning amidst inflation, Sam's Club, a subsidiary of Walmart, has…
In an unfolding narrative that meshes technology, politics, and allegations of bias, Google finds itself under the microscope of Missouri…
In a significant shake-up at the Los Angeles Times, two more top editors have resigned, following the footsteps of editorial…
In a twist that seems to be ripped straight from a Shakespearean drama, Jamie Dimon, the usually resolute head of…
The escalation of the E.Coli outbreak connected to McDonald’s Quarter Pounder hamburgers has caused further concern as 26 new cases…
In a surprising turn that deviates from the norm, activist investors—a group typically steering clear of mammoth financial institutions—are whispering…
Ken Griffin, the billionaire head of Citadel, is navigating a significant transition, relocating his hedge fund and trading behemoth from…
In a thrilling turn of market events, Nvidia momentarily eclipsed Apple, seizing the crown as the world’s most valuable company.…
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